Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Generalizations: Day 4 (I can connect generalizations and my world.)

First: Generalization Review

Friday, everyone created their own generalization statement and justified what made it a generalization. Let's review these!

Here is another generalization video that a class created. 

Second: Comprehension Check

We are going to work on comprehension passage around the skill, comparing and contrasting. You will locate this article in Readworks. It is titled, Nothing to Lose. 

When you are finished, your passage should look something like this.

Third: Generalization Project, Phase 1 and 2

Phase 1:

This week we've learn all about generalizations. Today you are going to do the prep-work for your generalization project, "Generalizations in My World". I want you to think about your life. What are some generalizations that you notice in your world? They can be about any topic. Write these generalizations down in a notebook. The more you come up with the better and they must connect to your world! Tomorrow, we will start phase 3- putting these generalizations into a creation app. 

Phase 2:

Ask yourself, "What is one image I could link all my generalizations to?" then take a photo of it and email it to yourself. This image also needs to connect to you and your world. This will allow you to fall right into Phase 3 tomorrow. 

Fourth: Silent Reading

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Generalizations: Day 3 (I can explain why a statement is a generalization.)

First: Review

Grab your headphones! I'd like you to watch this short 2 minute video to refresh your memory on what a generalization is, all the clue words that hint to a generalization and to test your knowledge with examples.

Second: Reading

Yesterday you read with a partner the story, Stretching Ourselves and recorded some examples of generalizations in Google Docs. We reviewed these examples this morning. Today, I'd like you to get with a group (max 5), grab a Rockstar, your headphones and a Reading Street Text.. Please open up the book to Unit 4- Stretching Ourselves. Follow along as a group with the text audio. I want you to pause it when you get to a generalization and discuss what makes the statement a generalization. If it is not on the list- please add it to our Google Doc

Third: Comprehension Check

Please complete this Quizizz so I can see where your understanding is at regarding generalizations. 

Fourth: Create

On a notecard, I'd like you to write an example of a generalization. Then, I'd like you to explain why it is a generalization. That's right- I want you to justify your reasoning. You will find the notecards on my desk.

Fifth: Silent Read

Find a cozy spot to enjoy your novel!