Thursday, February 22, 2018

Generalizations: Day 3 (I can explain why a statement is a generalization.)

First: Review

Grab your headphones! I'd like you to watch this short 2 minute video to refresh your memory on what a generalization is, all the clue words that hint to a generalization and to test your knowledge with examples.

Second: Reading

Yesterday you read with a partner the story, Stretching Ourselves and recorded some examples of generalizations in Google Docs. We reviewed these examples this morning. Today, I'd like you to get with a group (max 5), grab a Rockstar, your headphones and a Reading Street Text.. Please open up the book to Unit 4- Stretching Ourselves. Follow along as a group with the text audio. I want you to pause it when you get to a generalization and discuss what makes the statement a generalization. If it is not on the list- please add it to our Google Doc

Third: Comprehension Check

Please complete this Quizizz so I can see where your understanding is at regarding generalizations. 

Fourth: Create

On a notecard, I'd like you to write an example of a generalization. Then, I'd like you to explain why it is a generalization. That's right- I want you to justify your reasoning. You will find the notecards on my desk.

Fifth: Silent Read

Find a cozy spot to enjoy your novel!

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