Monday, March 4, 2019

Author's Purpose PIE'ED- Day 2 (I can demonstrate my understanding of PIE'ED by writing my own passage for each author's purpose.)

First: Let's Review 

Yesterday, we watched 9 separate clips for author's purpose. You filled out your thoughts and justifications- now we are going to go over them as a class to see how you did.

Second: Quizizz

Use the game code below to access your quiz at  For each of the five passages, remember to ask yourself, "What genre am I reading?" "Are there lots of facts?" "Is the author trying to convince me?" "Are there characters, a plot and a setting?" "Are their describing words? senses"

Third: Create Your Own Mini-Book

Yesterday you read five different passages on pie. When we discussed them as a group, many of you realized just how different the author's purpose can be. 

Today you are going to write your own passages. That's right, You are going to write a short paragraph passage (just like the pie ones) for each of the five types of author's purpose. I would like you to stick to the same topic (our example topic yesterday was pie) so you are able to see how an author adapts his/her writing to suit the purpose they are writing for.  

First: You are going to write your passages in your  Yellow Writer's Notebook. This will allow you to get your thoughts down on paper, reread your writing to see if it makes sense and edit it to elevate it afterwards.

Next: You will complete this assignment in Book Creator. You will have a title page and then five pages, one for each purpose. If you would like to app smash (make a pic collage for your posters and save it to your camera roll, use Haiku Deck for your title page or any other app) by all means, please do so. This is your chance to create with technology and share your writing in your own creative way. 

I can't wait to see what you come up with! This will be due Friday. 

Fourth: READ!

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