Friday, March 8, 2019

Drawing Conclusions: Day 1 ( I can explain what a conclusion is.)

First: What is a Conclusion?

Grab your earbuds and watch this short introduction video on what a conclusion is. 

Second: Practice on Your Own

We draw conclusions all the time in life and when we read. Sometimes our conclusions are on the setting of the story, the characters, or to get inside the author's head. Complete this worksheet in Notability. Please pay special attention to "Why did you think that?" and make sure to explain very thoroughly. That means you can not be vague, instead be specific with your answers. The more detail and reasoning the better. 

Third: Silent Reading

After a weekend, what better way to start our week off then by having lots of time to get lost in our book. Please find a quiet, non-distracting place for you to enjoy your novel.

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