Monday, March 11, 2019

Drawing Conclusions: Day 3 (I can draw a conclusion by combining my prior knowledge with what I see or read.)

First: Mini-lesson

Please make sure that this anchor chart is copied down in your Reader's Notebook Mini-Lesson Tab. 

Third: Make Your Own

Grab your earbuds and watch this wordless, short animated film. Yes, I said wordless and earbuds in the same sentence. Just because there are no words, still means that sound effects will be heard. After watching the movie film through, I want you to draw your own conclusions on what the character's dialogue, action and thoughts are. Remember, a conclusion is made by using what you know and combining it with what you see or read. 

Using the Graphic Organizer below, I'd like you to brainstorm a list of these conclusions. The more the merrier and the better prepared you will be for tomorrow. 

Fourth: Comprehension  Passage

Fifth: Silent Reading
Grab your novel and find a quiet, comfortable place to enjoy your novel.

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